About Us

NateArt is an Art driven, eco-minded, conscious, creative curated collective. Nate is also an acronym:
The cousin of Nate Designs and Nate Organics is poised to take its first steps into the wild.

As an avid art lover, it was obvious how to appreciate art, but sometimes not so obvious how to afford many of the beautiful pieces I came across.

Further, it is a difficult role to be a 'starving artist.' So,NateArt was born; out of passion and compassion. Working with local Artists, we began merging beautiful pieces of art, and formatted it in a 'pocket-sized' ( and shaped ), placed on an organic cotton Tee shirt, made in consciously in Canada. We offer a generous royalty to our Artist partners, as well as, a substantial give-back program through Me to We. The artists also can purchase theirNateArt art pocket tees at wholesale cost so they can re-sell to fans of their art at an affordable price point. We find that this is a real added  bonus for all- in that, The wearer of these NateArt art pocket shirts become walking/talking curators of art that would otherwise be seen only on a wall for a limited audience. The artist gets new and unique exposure, some new potential markets open up, a new revenue stream and the world receives a cool message in sustainability without getting clobbered over the head with a well intended 'healthy' notion in form of simple text or graphic.

We invite Artists to join our community, and welcome collaborations with likeminded brands, events and foundations. We are able to produce highly creative and custom textiles in Canada, as well as upcycle remnant fabrics, dead-stock and re-purpose items as platforms for our Natural Artistic Textile Experience.

Made in Canada